
Showing posts with the label garden

Vegetable garden starter kit that comes with everything you need needs and tray to create your own delicious homemade vegetables it's $24.50

vegetable garden starter kit itsnot just for people with home's with big yards you also can do this living in a apartment complex growing your own its easy setup to do nust gott make sure to keep it from pets and kids so they won't destroy them especially if they growing on a counter keep it distance from them so they can grow full and be able to use them in your food

Vegetable garden starter kit that comes with everything you need needs and tray to create your own delicious homemade vegetables it's $24.50

vegetable garden starter kit itsnot just for people with home's with big yards you also can do this living in a apartment complex growing your own its easy setup to do nust gott make sure to keep it from pets and kids so they won't destroy them especially if they growing on a counter keep it distance from them so they can grow full and be able to use them in your food

Members mark 14.5 inch theo planters set of three for $19.76 at Sam's club right now it's better to buy flower pots in bundles than individually

now this is a dam good deal you get Three pots for one price of $19.76 so buying two you'll have six pots for a total of $39.52 that's better than buying them separately and spending way more money I've seen other pots $14 dollars each and they break up fast crumble like crackers if you don't eat them up you can find them at Sam's club hurry before they are sold out

Members mark 22 inch wine barrel planters to hold much bigger plants especially if you been growing them for years gotta have space to branch out

wine barrel planters can hold much larger plants or small plants so they can go bigger and you won't have to keep changing pots when they grow larger its going to give them much room the barrels are 22 inches can hold full bag of dirt but you don't want to do that just in case you want to move it somewhere else it will be heavy it won't fade like a normal spot especially in the summer time because of the material its made out ofyou can find them at Sam's club for $14.94 each

Fragrant rose bush s comes in multiple scents to pick from they have them all together at Sam's club right now for $11.99 each

fragrant rose bush collection they come in many different kinds such as golden medals Camelot, Tropicana, Phyllis diller, and more they already made to plant all you gotta do is make a hold either in your yard or the pot you have with dirt in it take the packaging off that's holding it make sure you don't cut the bush if you using scissors or knives slowly remove The paper than sit it down in the whole and cover it up before you water it add some jobes fertilizer spikesto helpit grow now you want to water them down

Set of hooks you need to put up them small plants to keep people and pets from knocking them off shelves especially if you growing in doors

you love hanging up plants around your homes than you're going to need these really heavy duty hooks comes with everything you see in the pictures you can find them on Walmart website to ship to your house all you have to do is open the packs it depends on how many you need especially if you have multiple small plants it's best to hook them in the backyard up high so nobody won't run into them don't want to hook them inside cause ceiling damage especially if you renting apartment or home

Storage bins is much cheaper to use to grow plants in than expensive normal flower pots you buy these are $1.28 each

growing small plants especially if you growing them from seeds you're going to need small pots but the prices have eent up big time so here's another way that can fit in your budget good small storage bins the price is reasonable $1.28 each and you can buy them by the set of 10 a total of $12.80 instead of paying about $20 dollars for a normal flower pot that's going to either break or leak water get you storage bins easier and cheaper

you missing out on the clearance sale on all gardening tools 50 cents each people were grabbing them up

these good deals you can't pass them up tools that was priced from $6.99 to $15.99 is now just .50 cents each ten dollars you can rack up on everything you need to plant whatever you want to put down in the yard or flower pots you better hurry up because these deals don't last long before they remove them off the shelf and put something else in it's place you can get one or two of each so if one breaks you'll have another one to work with instead of running to find another one and it's not going to be.50 cents no more

using rope or normal string always going to break use fishing string to hang them up mulch stronger you need

you ever used normal string or rope that broke hanging plants indoors and outdoors so you gave up hanging them they sit on a table well you gotta use fishing string its tough to break by hand you need really sharp pair of scissors to cut the string enough to hold them up especially on the porch you can have multiple plants up each pot with a wire on them you don't want to make it to small where you can Get them offto clean them out or add something to the plants make sure it's enough space but tigh enough that it won't fall down on the ground

Gorilla carts makes it easier to transport tree's plants heavy dirt big pots around the yard it will be better than trying to carry everything hurting yourself or something falling on your foot

This cart is called gorilla strong enough to haul items back and forth especially digging up old plants and trees and putting down New ones to grow up and The heavy bag's of dirt you need if you own a really big yard that you need a golf cart to drive around it you can hook the gorilla cart on the back of it and pull it to do what you need to do instead of bringing your heavy truck on the property tearing up the grass and dirt this cart can make it easier for your jobes especially if you own yard business 

Aloe vera plant can heal multiple skin break outs good on multiple cuts rashes soars it's a multiple use plant you can rub on just make sure to Wash before you use it

Most skin products we buy has some alone vera in it like lotion,body wash ,hair shampoo , deodorant and more some people Rather buy the plants and create their own products to neal cuts rashes especially on baby's drink it as a tea  add it in certain foods they eat as seasoning  hers a few more of what aloe vera plant is good for moisturizer especially if you have tattoos keeps it from drying out looking faded smoothes out irritation reducing aging fight against acne removes them dark circles and puffiness heal that sunburn you got on vacation releaves eczema you're been fighting with 

Big pots on sale you need to get if you're plants get bigger $12.98 each at Lowe's especially if you are growing them around the house and pots you have are to small you need to transfer into these

These larger pots can hold plants or trees that grow bigger over the years in smaller pots that can't handle The weight so you have to upgrade to The bigger wider one's that can actually hold this pot in 16 inches enough space you have to get two big bag's of dirt to fully fill the pot up to the top pick the spot you want to put it at while it's empty because if you fill it up that carry it definitely going to be heavy put one bag of dirt in it than the plant than the second bag to finish it up 

this is what you need to keep them plants growing stronger and healthier especially if you growing your own food

Many plants take different foods to keep them green and growing right if you don't take care of them they can turn brown and than you have a big problem you gotta dig them out of the pots and throw all them you bought away now you gotta buy more for the empty pots with nothing but dirt in them so that's why it's best to do it right in the first place and take care of them by adding the food ingredients and keep them watered right so they can get bigger and stronger and you can sell them especially if people see them growing good 

Garden perennials seeds you can get them at Lowe's you get a lot for a reasonable price and you don't need all the seeds

These so many to pick from to grow in your yards you wanna have a mixture of all of them to grow multiple colors to give your neighbors something to talk and hate about especially if their yards be looking all messed up to lazy to even cut the grass they going to be looking asking questions where you got them at how much did all of it cost  than when they get really big like trees it's going to be a big problem with them  neighbors being jealous on how you're yard is hooked up with all them flowers 

Member's Mark pre lit vintage spring truck green only $25.52 you can put it in any yard have your neighbors asking where you got it from especially if they are into vintage cars and trucks

These vintage trucks can be put anywhere in your house indoor and outdoors It depends on how t You want it to look it's best to hook the porch up with them so other people that enjoy vintage vehicles to check it out so they can buy them and hook their house up with them that's how people get ideas seeing others yard looking good with items so they go and buy items and clean up their yard so neighborhors can ask where they get them from it would be good if they moved by remote and made truck noises but then it would costs more to get them 

Build a successful plant business with jiffy green house seed starter easy to setup in your house and backyard you can grow what you want especially fruits

Turn your plants skills into a hustle you can use this to start a growing a business out of it by growing multiple plants and selling them for a resource prices once they start growing from the seeds you put in each slot holder you can find this product all Walmart they have smaller ones you can Get to once you open the packaging you're going to have to water them all not to much than add the seeds you're going to use it can be all the same ones or different ones than wait until they grow enough to sell them

Heavy water hoses last longer especially if you have big trees and plants to water they come in several sizes 25,50,75,100

Cheap water hoses are not good to buy because they don't last long they rip apart weeks later The rubber nothing but cheap plastic glued together to make it look like rubber a good One is $20 dollars or higher and the nozzle gotta be heavy to can't buy Dollar tree or family dollar nozzles they just going to break in half or get worn out using it one week definitely can't take it back so don't even waist time go to Lowe's home Depot and Walmart for good ones big and small especially ones with multiple holes that shoot out from normal to hard

tools you need for your garden to keep it looking good they always on sale grab and put them away until you need them

You gotta have different tools for the yard it depends on what you need to do digging up dirt you going to need a good shovel especially being sharp enough to break through The dirt because some yards have hard dirt but it's best to buy pots and bag dirt to grow plants and smell tools you see in the photo like mini shovels mini rakes and especially mini scissors to cut all the dead leaves off them also going to need heavy gloves so nothing is going to stick you on the hands it's better to protect them especially dealing with rose plants

don't put mulch around your plants it's going to stop them from growing put it somewhere by itself not in plants

Mulch is a waste of time buying because it's just nothing but trees that been chopped up that's why they sell it so reasonable you can find it at so many stores especially Lowe's and home Depot stacked high putting it down it's just going to turn your yard into a mess especially if you get the colors red black brown it's going to fade when the rain hit on it all over the grass and sidewalk your be power washing it up and the wind be blowing it all over your neighborhood especially if you have put down a lot of it

loofahs you wash with comes from natural plant that can help scrub your skin of dirt keep it smooth and clean

The plant is called loofa sponge gourd you can buy the seeds from stores like Walmart home Depot and Lowe's get some dirt and a pot and grow them it's a simple process once they finally grown and green pull the green skin from them you want to clean the sponges before you use them on your body simply wash them good with hot water maybe little soap to really get it done now it's good to use on your skin to use you're have some fun the entire family to use especially if it gets bigger in the yard

Regrowing vegetables is easy to do seeds are already in them when you buy them just have to use the right amount of water

Everytime you buy onions, Bell peppers,green onions, lettuce, tomato, potatoes,corn, green beans,they all started from seeds planted in pots on a farm growing than they hit the grocery stores when you buy them to cook with you cutting away The seeds washing them off what you do is get small cups you don't use add dirt put the seeds in it' add water once or twice a week and watch the plant grow when it gets to big transfer it to a bigger flower pot you're definitely going to see what you have grown once it's fully good you should be able to eat it

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Gorilla carts makes it easier to transport tree's plants heavy dirt big pots around the yard it will be better than trying to carry everything hurting yourself or something falling on your foot